Initiate Removal of a Deceased Voter

Supervisors who receive a death notification, by some means other than via the Eligibility Match Queue, must take steps to remove the voter from the registration rolls. The steps to take depend on the form of the death notification:

  • If your office receives a copy of a death certificate, retrieve the voter's record and change their voter registration status to Ineligible for the reason of Deceased. (That is, on the voter's Maint tab, change the Reason(Status) field to D(P) Deceased.) We recommend you add an office note explaining the status change. You should also consider scanning the death certificate and indexing it to the voter's record. Note that these voters do not appear in the Eligibility Match Queue.

  • If you receive some other notification, such as communication from a relative of the voter, follow the potential ineligibility procedures described below. These voters will appear in the Eligibility Match Queue until their removal has been completed.